About Me

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Caledonia, Michigan
I am a second grade teacher in Caledonia, Michigan. I taught kindergarten for 5 years and then discovered the joy of second grade! This is my second year teaching 2nd grade. I have been happily married to my college sweetheart for 6 years! We have an inquisitive, loving 2 year old daughter and an adorable miniature Australian Shepherd. Life gets sweeter by the moment!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Let's Make Valentines!

Today Darling Daughter, Hunky Husband, and I made valentines for our little angel to pass out to her friends.  I adapted this idea from an idea on Pinterest. (Surprise, Surprise!)

Click {HERE} to see the idea on Pinterest!

I created the label in Pages using the curly cue frame from Fancy Dog Studios (see her shop on ESTY!).  The fonts (smiley monster and wish i were taller) are from Kevin & Amanda at kevinandamanda.com.   Each baggie is filled with Teddy Grahams and gummy bears.  Since some of her friends are in the 1 and under age range, their bags only have teddy grahams.

I hope your little sweetie enjoys making these as much as mine did!

DD couldn't wait to open her own Valentine, so I made an extra bag for her to snack on during this lazy Saturday afternoon.